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Gowrie St Primary School Newsletter 20th May 2022


Monday 23rd May Grade 3-6 AFL Program/ Day 1 of our School Review

Tuesday 24th May 3-4 ACCA Melbourne Excursion

Thursday 28th May Sorry Day

Friday 27th May Student Free Day- Teacher Professional Practice Day

Tuesday 7th June Baker Boy Concert Grade 3-6 Arts Centre Melbourne

Friday 10th June School Photos

Monday 13th June Queens Birthday Public Holiday

Thursday 23rd June Reports home/Last day of Term 2

Friday 24th June Curriculum Day Student Free Day


Over the last few weeks, we have had a lot of students away due to being unwell. If your child is unwell or is not going to be at school because of an urgent appointment, Funeral/Sorry Business or Cultural Event ( the only reasons it's OK TO BE AWAY) please call the office first thing in the morning OR you can notify us by using COMPASS. If you don't have your COMPASS login please email and we will get you your login. COMPASS is a really easy way to let us know that your child is not going to be at school. We have to record a reason EVERY DAY as to why students are not at school to let the Department of Education know. When families don't contact us Jo and Kerry have to spend a good part of their day following this up. Please help us out by letting us know!


Next Monday, we will be having the first of our three Review Days. The purpose of our school review is to have a panel of people come into our school and take a look at all the things we have achieved in the last four years and help us set the direction for our next four through our next Strategic Plan. We are looking forward to having the opportunity to really show off our great school and get advice from a group of people, including our students, about where we head in the next four years.


This week we have been so lucky to have had lovely warming soup on Wednesday and Friday. On Wednesday we had a delicious chicken and vegetable soup donated to us from Azem & Jeihan from Lutfiyes Shish Kebab. We were delighted by the tasty carrot soup that was made by super ES Chelsea Smith with the help of some enthusiastic students- potato peelers and vegetable choppers. Thank you for warming us up and for feeding us so generously.


This Monday and next our students have been having a fantastic time out on the oval honing their footy skills! You can see the great fun they have been having in our photos below. Thanks to Mr McCormick for organising it.


Today our P-2 students participated in a puppet show/workshop run by local puppeteer Jason Trigg. The children have been learning all about fairytales over the term so far and the show was all about fairytales. Some of the students even had a go of being part of the show, telling the story and using the puppets.


As part of the Victorian Government Positive Start initiative, the Arts Centre Victoria is putting on a range of performances for schools. Positive Start in 2022 program, Victorian students can be more active, reconnect with friends and find inspiration in new and exciting places. We were lucky enough to be able to secure tickets for our Grade 3-6 to see the amazing hip-hop artists and 2019 Young Australian of The Year, Baker Boy. A rising star of the Australian hip-hop scene, Yolngu artist Baker Boy will bring his energetic, fun performance style to the stage. Singing, dancing and rapping his way through some of his most popular tracks, the multi-talented performer is sure to get students out of their seats!

Carefully curated with young music fans in mind, this performance is a rare opportunity for students to experience live music in a safe and supportive environment. We are very excited to be able to go to this and a permission note will go home next week. Check him out here.


Thank you to Aunty Lisa and Lighthouse for making it possible for Thomas and Yulki to record a track each. We really do have some emerging stars here at our school. Click HERE to listen to their tracks.

National Walk Safely to School Day 2022

On Walk Safely to School Day, primary school aged children are encouraged to walk with their to school. This encourages healthy habits as well as teaching vital road safety skills.

Primary school aged children across Australia will made those important steps towards a healthier future by participating in National Walk Safely to School Day on Friday. National Walk Safely to School Day is a community initiative that aims to raise awareness of the health, road safety, transport and environmental benefits that regular walking (especially to and from school) can provide for the long term well-being of our children.

Now in its 23rd year, the annual event has joined forces with National Road Safety Week (15 – 22 May) to further draw the spotlight on road safety and support the importance of regular walking, not just on 20 May, but every day. Mr McCormick organised some lessons that were taught over the week about road safety and the benefits of walking to school each day.


Every week our Grade 3-6 students spend an hour each class with Ms Michelle our Acting Assistant Principal in doing STEM learning. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. This hands-on, inquiry style class sees our students research, design, budget and build to solve a variety of problems. This term the 3-4s have been working hard on SPACE projects. Students have been learning about the Mars Rover and working in teams to create a prototype of the Mars Rover. See videos of them explaining their projects at the end of our sideshow below.

The 5-6s have been researching an endangered animal to create a poster that includes detail about the animal and where it lives. Students then did a plan for the animal habitat and have a budget of $30 to purchase resources from the STEM shop. Students then worked in their groups to make an animal habitat. They then present their project to their peers.


We are very excited to be able to hold 5 afterschool AFL clinics starting Monday 30th May. last year we held a couple of them but then had to stop due to lock-down. The kids really loved these clinics and the same people will be running them. You can book for your child using this online form or there will be a paper form sent home tomorrow. It is open to all year levels. It will run from 3.15 to 4.30pm


A big thank you to everyone involved in getting everything organised for our election BBQ. We will include the amount we raised in next week,s news. A big thank you to our amazing school leaders for coming down to help out.


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