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Gowrie St Primary School Newsletter 6th May

We have had a wonderful start to Term 2 with students returning from the holidays ready to jump back into their learning.

We have had a number of students unwell especially this week. It seems that colds and flus are back among us and really taking a toll on kids. We have also seen an increase in the number of students returning positive COVID test results, many of these with coughs and cold-like symptoms. We really strongly advise that families are using the RAT kits we are sending home as a precaution but also when your children present with cold-like symptoms. We would really like to say thank you to all of you who have been testing your children and letting us know when returning positive. We would also like to say thank you to families for letting the office know when students are unwell and that they are remaining at home. We have to record attendance twice every day and we are required to follow up if we have had no communication as to why a student is away from school. It is a massive job for Jo, Kerry and Loz in the office to have to call families every day to find out why students are away from school. Please let us know in the morning if your child/children are going to be away with a phone call or even better, download the Compass App and you can record your reason easily and quickly through the app. If you need your Compass login, please send an email to


Some of us started the term early by representing the school at the ANZAC Day memorial at the Cenotaph in Shepparton. Our school leaders Issy, Yulki and James represented Gowrie St with pride and showed excellence in how they held themselves, layed our wreath and listened to all the speeches. Thank you so much to Cherrie for the beautiful wreath that she made. Many people commented on it on the day.


On Wednesday the 4th of May students from grades 4-6 competed at the interschool cross country event down at Princess Park. Students competed against other schools from the region, and everyone represented our school with pride showing their determination to finish the 2km or the 3km to the best of their ability. Throughout the day we had multiple top 10 finishes across the different events and our students could always be heard cheering and encouraging their schoolmates as well as encouraging students from other schools. Congratulations to Heather C, Dean M, Bukuru K, Butoyi K and Yulkirri B on making it to Division Cross Country.


The Annual Report to the School Community (Annual Report) provides principals and school councils with an opportunity to share the year’s achievements and progress with the school community. This includes reflecting on the school’s performance and explaining the positive impact of school improvement efforts on student outcomes. To view our 2021 Annual Report please see here.


Next week all our grade 3 and grade 5s will undertake NAPLAN. NAPLAN is a national literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit in May each year. It is the only national assessment all Australian students do. As students progress through their school years, it’s important to check how well they are learning the essential skills of reading, writing and numeracy. NAPLAN assesses the literacy and numeracy skills that students are learning through the school curriculum and allows parents/carers to see how their child is progressing against national standards and over time. NAPLAN is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process. It doesn’t replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance, but it can provide teachers with additional information about students’ progress. NAPLAN also provides schools, education authorities and governments with information about how education programs are working and whether young Australians are achieving important educational outcomes in literacy and numeracy.

We know they will muster up all their DETERMINATION and they will show EXCELLENCE by giving the tests their best go.


Our Writers Of The Week are two amazing Grade 6 students who have been working really hard with Miss S. Well done to Seth LL and Dean D


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