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Gowrie Street Newsletter 22nd August 2022


Wednesday 24 August Grade 5-6 Winter Sport- It would be great to have some parent supporters on the day

Wednesday 24th August Greater Shepparton Secondary College Year 7 2023 Family Information Session 5:30pm – 6:30pm at Greater Shepparton Secondary College

Friday 26th August Book Week Celebration Day- DRESS UP PARADE AT 9:15am . PARENTS WELCOME

Friday 2nd September Fathers/Grandfathers/Uncles/Special Person Breakky

Thursday 16th September DREAM BIG Athletics Day- stay tuned for how families can participate on the day

Friday 17th September Dream Big Day- also the last day of Term 3 PLEASE SEE BELOW ABOUT BOOKING A TIME FOR STUDENT CONFERENCES

Melbourne Museum Excursion

It was a big day, it was a long day and it was a WONDERFUL DAY. Thank you to all the amazing parents and carers who got kids up and ready and to the bus on time- a big feat. Also a massive thankyou to the staff who collected students who wouldn't have otherwise made it- you are truly wonderful and Gowrie St is lucky to have you!

Below are class reports.

1/2 A

Yesterday we woke up really really really early to get on the bus to Melbourne. It took us 3 hours to get there! We went to the Melbourne Museum to see the Dinosaur Exhibit because we have been learning about dinosaurs in class. We saw lots of dinosaur skeletons and we liked the Pterodactyl in the air which was a lot bigger than we thought it would be. We also liked the long neck because its neck was super dooper long and stretched over all of the other dinosaurs.

The Triceratops had a really big frill with 3 horns and was called Horridus. We heard some dinosaur jokes, learnt about Triceratops and got to meet a baby Triceratop!

We had a very exciting day but it made us very tired! We loved seeing and learning about dinosaurs!

1/2 B

On Tuesday the 16th August we all went on a big bus ride to Melbourne Museum. We did some colouring in, and watched movies on the bus. Some kids fell asleep!

We hopped of the bus and walked to the museum and put all our food away. Then it was time to see dinosaurs. We were so excited!

We were in lots of different groups. We saw the big whale, a Brontosaurus, Pterodactyl, and the Triceratops. We got to walk around the garden. There were eels in the pond. We walked through 2 caves.

At the end of the day we went into the theatre to see a show about the Triceratops. We saw a real Triceratops horn and a baby Triceratops.

Then it was time to go home and sit on the bus for a long time.

We all had lots of fun 

Here are our favourite parts:

I liked seeing the baby Triceratops and when he had a nap- Amelia

The blue whale was the best- Kaiden

I liked the movie about Triceratops- Peyton

The baby Triceratops was my favourite- Caleb

I liked the Triceratops- Ronin

I liked the baby Triceratops and the Pterodactyl- Prabjot

I liked going the escalator- Rhylan

I liked when the baby Triceratops went to sleep- Bonnie

I liked the big Triceratops- Matteo

I liked touch screens and the Triceratops- Matthew

I liked taking pictures of the dinosaurs- Bella

I liked going up the escalator- Isabel

5/6C thought that the Melbourne Museum was fun and eye catching seeing the real fossils, the evolution of Earth and the Crystals. They thought is was Dino-scary and funny with the jokes at the end, ‘I said it gets ripped!

Staff said it was long and the best part was when a kid from another school through we worked at Jurassic Park.

F/1 A Museum Report

The students in F/1 A talked, wrote and drew about the things they liked best at the Museum. Because there was so much to see and learn from they decided to make a list of interesting things with the help of Miss Collier, the grade’s student teacher.

Here is the list of their favourite things-

The enormous Triceratops skeleton.

The Pterodactyls big and small flying above other dinosaur skeletons.

The fossils made by dinosaur bones in the sand and mud that turned into rock.

The baby Triceratops called Trio.

The waterfall and cave paintings.

The fish in the ponds. (They looked for eels but couldn’t see any.)

WHAT IS THAT CREATURE CREEPING ALONG THE WALL??? The projections of giant animals and dinosaurs on the walls. (Romez got a real shock from something on the wall opposite him but Jed seems to be OK about it!)

Raoudha Bakhiet-56A

“Roar!” The dinosaur said as it was carried around the theatre. On Tuesday the 16th of August, Gowrie Street Primary School went on a trip to the Melbourne Museum. It was a great trip for everyone to learn new facts about dinosaurs. Nicole said “It was amazing to see and learn more about dinosaurs. I loved the experience!” The highlight of many people’s trip was seeing the real life triceratops skeleton which came all the way from Montana, USA.


We 3/4B really enjoyed going to the museum, we loved being palaeontologists for the day. We felt happy and excited to learn new and interesting facts. The dinosaur fossils were so cool to look at, it was interesting to read the different facts, look through the binoculars to see the pictures and see videos of the dinosaurs. We especially liked seeing Horridus. It was even better that we were able to attend the dinosaur show and hear more about Horridus and see the baby triceratops. We really enjoyed the atmosphere of the museum, everywhere we walked there was something to look at.

In our class the exhibit we all really enjoyed was the Bugs Alive exhibition, seeing all the different bugs was so cool. We really enjoyed trying to find the different insects in their enclosures, it was hard at times to find them. The spiders were a bit scary, some were humongous, like the tarantula. We had the best day.


This week we went to the Melbourne museum to explore the exhibits and learn lots about the dinos, bugs and Australian wildlife. The kids immersed themselves in the dinosaur walk, which they were especially excited for. On the walk we saw the skeletons of the long extinct dinosaurs and with a bit of technological magic were able to peer into the distant past when dinosaurs walked the earth. We also explored the insect enclosures searching for creepy-crawlies of all shapes and sizes, with the students shuddering from the spiders like tarantulas and red-backs while awing at the immense size of the spiny stick-insects. Most wanted to know if our classroom pet would grow as big, and were equally shocked when they learned it would. We had a relaxing walk through the rainforest gallery, filled with native wildlife and a cool tunnel that took us beneath the river where we could see the fish. We ended our expedition with what we had all come to see, a giant triceratops named Horridus. Everyone was amazed by its size and beauty, with comments from “wow” to “it’s so shiny” to questions about how something so big could have ever died off.

Everyone had a blast, and we all enjoyed the different parts of the experience and have learnt so much from it.

Dream Big Student Led Conferences

On Friday 16th September we will be running Dream Big student led conferences. These will be an opportunity for students to share a selection of their best work with families. These conferences will be run by students and is a way to help them share a little of their school life with their family. These will not be a time for parents to talk about behaviour or other topics, rather for students to share things they are proud of. If you wish to make a time to discuss other things with your child's teacher please call to make a time to do so.

It will be a student-free day at school and families need to book in a time with the teacher. This will be done on COMPASS. Please see the photos here to show you how to do this. If you need your Compass login please email IOn the day we will have a BBQ available as well as a cake stall and a small selection of activities run by our amazing education staff in the school so parents can spend some time in the school with their child.



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