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Gowrie Street Newsletter Friday 8th April 2022

TERM 1 Wrap-Up

"Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit" E. E Cummings

This term we have proven this quote right. We have many ways of saying this quote at Gowrie St- some of them are:

We can do hard things

Mistakes make your brain grow

Have a go!

You got this!

So much of what we do at Gowrie St requires us to be curious and go with wonder into what ever challenge or exciting adventure we have set for ourselves. This term these challenges have included:

  • Staying away from home to go on camp

  • Running the whole cross country

  • Coming to school every day in order to go on the Splash park excursion

  • Learning how to write our name

  • Understanding how to rename numbers

  • Getting to know new kids in our class and new teachers and making that work as a community

  • Writing a persuasive piece to convince Ms Chapman to let us run a stall to raise money, then making that stall

  • Choosing new books to read

  • Designing a 'restaurant' then cooking for our friends

  • Learning new songs to perform

Schools are a place filled with opportunities for curiosity, wonder and spontaneous delight

( such as this moment spotted here ). At Gowrie St we have worked so hard this term to make sure all our kids believe in themselves, that they can do all sorts of wonderous and amazing things and they can do it with the support and love of those around them.

Have a really wonderful break and we hope that after a rest we all come back invigorated to once again 'have a go' and do all sorts of 'hard things' all the while creating and building an environment of joy and wonder with plenty of spontaneous delight!


Next term's calendar will be in emailed by Compass and in the newsletter for the first week.

This week's newsletter covers two weeks to include Dream Big Day and the cross country.

Cross Country

On Tuesday the 29th of March, we held our school cross country. During the term students had been practising increasing their running stamina during P.E and on the day their hard work paid off. It was great to see students competing in a positive and supportive manner, with each student showing determination to complete the course in their best time.

It was fantastic to see lots of families coming to the event and participating. In the end, it was this family participation that ultimately decided which house was the eventual winner. A big thank you to everyone who helped run and organise the event and the BBQ lunch.

Congratulation to this year's House Champions - Yellow House, and to the winner and runners up of each category.

House Champions: Yellow 124 Points Red 114 Points Blue 107 points Green 93 points

Mr McCormick - PE Teacher

Dream Big

Last Friday we had our Term 1 Dream Big Day- the first one we have had for so long. Our theme for Dream Big this term was "What We Will Build' and we had many activities on the day around this theme. We also some other fantastic visitors into our school to help us dream big about possibilities for our futures. We had a visit from the amazing Shepparton Search and Rescue who talked to us, not just about the incredibly challenging work they do but also about the important work of voulnteers- in all fields- and in the words of Michael D'elia, when you volunteer you get back more than you give!

Leah Johnson from the Shepparton police came down to give a talk about the work of the police and show our P-4 students around a police car- this being the highlight of many of the students on the day.

The big hit of the day was the landing of Chris Hensgen (the uncle of our wonderful ES Chelsea Smith) and his helicopter on the oval. Chris talked to everyone about how he learned to be a pilot as a way to improve his engineering business and spoke about the hard work he had to put in to get that licence which really spoke to our school value of Determination. Our Gowrie St students had some really insightful questions to ask him and they were able to tell Chris what Dream Big was all about.

Across the day our Prep-4 students worked together to make some homemade musical instruments and they also spent time with Andrea from Songroom to learn some songs, which they performed along with our Gowrie St Koorie dancers made up part of the assembly at the end of the day.

Our 5-6 teams 'built' a restaurant and cooked up a storm making amazing toasties, healthy and delicious Mexican inspired salads and fruit skewers.

It was a day filled with high energy learning, inspiration and a pretty big mess to tidy up at the end of the day (a sure sign a great day was had). Thank you to everyone who contributed to make this day so wonderful. Dream Big is a team effort and shows what you can achieve when you work together.

Miss S's Writers Of The Week

Miss S had three writers of the week- Yulkirri Bamblett, Mackenzie Smith and Savanah Scarpetti. Mackenzie had done a great job of improving the amount she had written, Savanah had been a great mentor coaching other students to make a plan for writing and Yulki had done a great job of really getting stuck into her writing.

This week's highlights

Well done to everyone who went swimming this week. Staff have all commented on how much progress all students made across the week.

Also a big shout out to the Grade 5-6 students who ran stalls on Friday. Despite it being a little mixed around because of the swimming timetable they managed to raise a great deal of money- the final figure we will publish next term. They showed enormous amounts of Determination to get these ventures up and running, Excellence in droves in the standard of the stalls they created and Pride in our school by thinking about things other students would love to eat or do! Well done and stay tuned everyone for something like this next term.

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