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Newsletter Friday 11th March


Introducing our School Leaders for 2022. Today we were able to have an assembly to present badges to our School, House and Culture leaders.

School Captain- Isi Fotu Culture Leaders- Jerome McGee and

Vice Captains- Yulkirri Bamblett and Shaun Ormiston

James Mckenzie

Blue House Leaders Red House Leaders Yellow House Leaders

Ashlyn Rizzo and Steel Bajada Savanah Scarpetti and Kiarah Tracey and Karmyne Trungrove Nicole Mercado

Green House Leaders Thomas Atkinson and Raoudha Bakiet were absent today

Foundation/1 Excursion Kyabram Fauna Park

Since the beginning of the term, the Foundation and Year 1 students have been learning lots about Australian Animals. On Monday we visited the Kyabram Fauna Park and got to see some of these animals. Some of the favourite things we saw included the friendly kangaroos who came up for a pat, the tired wombats who were fast asleep on their backs and getting to see Lizzy the Lizard up close where we got to pat her spiky back.

Writer of the Week

Leila Froome, for taking every opportunity to practice her writing. She is unafraid of making mistakes and her engagement and confidence in all areas reflects that.


  • School Council Self Nominations- please call the office if you would love to be a part of our School Council.

  • Children MUST wear hats when outside at school during Term 1. Please check that your child has a hat.

  • School starts at 8:50 am. It's really important that we are at school on time, every day! Check out our Attendance Policy Summary if you need information about Attendance at school.

  • Sign up to use the Compass App-see our post .

  • 3-4 Excursion to Dingo Haven Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th March.

  • 5-6 camp to Harrietville coming up on Wednesday 24th March.

  • Curriculum Day- student free day Wednesday 30th March.

  • Swimming Week 28th March- Friday 1st April.

  • End Term 1 Friday 1st April 2.30 pm.

On Tuesday 29th March we will be holding our school cross country run. We would really love to get lots of parents to come and support and so we have decided to include parents by giving them the chance to earn points for their child's house. If you come and cheer, you will earn your child's house one extra point. If you then run with your child you will ern their house another 2 points- 3 in total. So get in training and come and support!

Our week In Pictures

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Tel: (03) 5821 3100



Mon - Fri: 8.15am - 4.30pm


Principal- Eron Chapman

Assistant Principal- Tim Davis

Enrolment enquiries can be made at any time by contacting our office and making an appointment.

Enrolments for 2023 can be accepted all year round.

1-19 Gowrie St

Shepparton VIC 3630


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